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【发布时间:2023-12-05 08:59:05  点击量:

张静茹,博士,副教授,2023年毕业于北京林业大学,现为太阳集团tcy8722环境与资源学院教师。主要从事遥感植被物候、森林生态系统碳循环等方面研究。2022年2月至2023年3月以联合培养博士研究生访问加拿大麦克马斯特大学。目前在《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Forest ecology and management》和《北京林业大学学报》等期刊共发表学术论文20余篇。






1.Zhang, J.R.*, Gonsamo, A., Tong, X.J., Xiao, J.F., Rogers, C.A., Qin, S.H., Liu, P.R., Yu, P.Y., Ma, P., 2023. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthetic phenology better than traditional vegetation indices.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

2.Zhang, J.R., Xiao, J.F., Tong, X.J., Zhang, J.S., Meng, P., Li, J., Liu, P.R., Yu, P.Y., 2022. NIRv and SIF better estimate phenology than NDVI and EVI: Effects of spring and autumn phenology on ecosystem production of planted forests.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

3.Zhang, J.R., Tong, X.J., Zhang, J.S., Meng, P., Li, J., Liu, P.R., 2021. Dynamics of phenology and its response to climatic variables in a warm-temperate mixed plantation.Forest Ecology and Management.

4. Tong, X.J., Xiao, J.F., Liu, P.R., Zhang, J.S.,Zhang, J.R., Yu, P.Y., Meng, P., Li, J., 2023. Carbon exchange of forest plantations: global patterns and its link with biophysical factors.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

5. Yu, P.Y., Meng, P., Tong, X.J., Zhang, Y.J., Li, J.,Zhang, J.R., Liu, P.R., 2023. Temperature sensitivity of leaf flushing in 12 common woody species in eastern China.Science of The Total Environment.

6. Liu, P.R., Tong, X.J., Meng, P., Zhang, J.S., Li, J.,Zhang, J.R., 2022. Biophysical controls on water use efficiency of six plantations under different sky conditions.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

7. Liu, P.R., Tong, X.J., Zhang, J.S., Meng, P., Li, J.,Zhang, J.R., Zhou, Y., 2022. Effect of diffuse fraction on gross primary productivity and light use efficiency in a warm-temperate mixed plantation.Frontiers in Plant Science.

8. Liu, P.R., Tong, X.J., Zhang, J.S., Meng, P., Li, J.,Zhang, J.R., 2019. Estimation of half-hourly diffuse solar radiation over a mixed plantation in north China.Renewable Energy.






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