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【发布时间:2022-09-13 09:33:29  点击量:

时冬萍,女,讲师,2022年6月毕业于河海大学,获地质工程专业博士学位,现为太阳集团tcy8722环境与资源学院教师。主要研究方向为水文水资源、环境地质等方面。相关科研成果在Journal of Hydrology、Vadose Zone Journal、Journal of Hydro-environment Research、Science of The Total Environment等国内外期刊上发表。


1.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目,雅鲁藏布江流域地下水形成机理与演变预测(9174203),2018.1-2021. 12,参与。




1.Dongping Shi, Hongbing Tan, Xi Chen, Wenbo Rao, RenciBasang, 2021. Uncovering mechanisms of seasonal river-groundwater circulation using isotopes and water chemistry in the middle reach of Yarlungzangbo River, Tibet. Journal of Hydrology, 2021.

2.Dongping Shi, Hongbing Tan, Wenbo Rao, Zihao Liu, Hartman Issombo ELENGA; Variations in water content of soil in apricot orchards in the western hilly regions of the Chinese Loess Plateau, Vadose Zone Journal, 2020,19: e20034.

3.Dongping Shi, Hongbing Tan, Xi Chen, Wenbo Rao, H. E. Issombo and RenciBasang, Temporal and spatial variations of runoff composition revealed by isotopic signals in Nianchu River catchment, Tibet, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2021, 37:1-12.

4.时冬萍,谭红兵,柳子豪,许鹏;黄土高原祖厉河流域咸水淡化与高效利用研究,河海大学学报,2019,21(4): 14-24.

5. Hongbing Tan, Xi Chen,Dongping Shi,Wenbo Rao, Jiarong Wang; Base flow in the yarlungzangbo river, Tibet, maintained by the isotopically-depleted precipitation and groundwater discharge. Science of The Total Environment, 2020.

6. Zihao Liu, Hongbing Tan,Dongping Shi, Peng Xu, Hartman Issombo ELENGA. Origin and formation mechanism of salty water in Zuli River catchment of the Yellow River. Water Environment Research, 2019, 91(3):222-238.

7. Hartman IssomboElenga, Hongbing Tan,Dongping Shi, DjohnJosia Weaver Mboussaa. Elemental Distribution and Partitioning Law between the Geothermal Water and Associated Deposits for a Typical Geothermal System with Large-Scale Siliceous Sinter Deposits in the Tibet. Geochemistry International, 2021.






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